
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

What does the EU proposal to keep its debt rules lifted mean for Greece?

This week the EU Commission proposed to extend a moratorium on EU fiscal rules until the end of 2023, but warned that this "does not mean a free for all," stressing it will not allow for any fiscal excesses. Especially for over indebted countries, such as Greece, the monitoring of expenditures will be stricter. This decision came as the Commission recommended Greece’s exit from its strict post-bailout monitoring by the bloc’s institutions in August. Yannis Palaiologos, Kathimerini’s Brussels correspondent, joins Thanos Davelis to look at what all this means for the EU and for Greece’s economy. 

Read Yannis Palaiologos’s coverage in Kathimerini: Fiscal prudence urged again

Brussels keeps debt rules lifted, but recommends fiscal prudence

Greece tells UN that Turkey is challenging its sovereignty

Greece delivers letter to UN countering Turkish claims in the Aegean

Turkey 'not bluffing' over Greek islands

Turkey Warns Greece Over Aegean Island Forces as Spat Grows

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

Περισσότερα επεισόδια

Why is the White House so keen on bringing Turkey back into the F-35 program?

A proposal is reportedly on the table that could potentially see the US gain control of Turkey’s S-400s in return for Ankara re-joining the F-35 program. This has many asking why the Biden administration is in a rush to find a way to bring Turkey back into a program that it was ejected from as a result of Ankara’s embrace of Russia and behavior that is antithetical to NATO. Sinan Ciddi joins...

Greek-Turkish relations in the spotlight as Mitsotakis and Erdogan meet at the UN

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