
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Why it matters: The Armenian Genocide Education Act

Following the historic recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Congress and President Biden, we’re now seeing the House take this a step further with the introduction of the Armenian Genocide Education Act. Aram Hamparian, the Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of America, joins our host Thanos Davelis to discuss this landmark bill, and more. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

ANCA Welcomes Introduction of Armenian Genocide Education Act

As another genocide looms, Western virtue-signaling won’t cut it

Greece completes early repayment of bailout loans to IMF

US Undersecretary of State to visit Cyprus this week

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Περισσότερα επεισόδια

SYRIZA's internal struggles and PASOK's new opportunity

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Germany's occupation of Greece and the lingering question of reparations and a forced loan

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