
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Will Erdogan's regional belligerence lead to a shift in how the world deals with the Kurds?

Diliman Abdulkader, the Co-Founder and Director of American Friends of Kurdistan, joins us today to discuss the current challenges the Kurds in Turkey and the broader region face. We’ll also break down a recent piece by expert Michael Rubin and explores whether Turkish President Erdogan's regional belligerence can lead to other countries changing the way they deal with the Kurds.

You can read the articles we discuss on The Daily Roundup here:

One way the Kurdish insurgency could lead to the collapse of Turkey

Southern EU leaders urge Turkey to end “unilateral” actions

Final statement from Med7 Summit

Thousands of refugees sleep rough, without food, after Moria fire

EU official says asylum policy impasse 'part of the problem' at Moria

Moria migrants: Germany, France will take in 400 children from Greece’s refugee camp

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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