
The Quarantine Tapes
The Quarantine Tapes

The Quarantine Tapes: Quotation Shorts - Aldous Huxley

Today’s Quotation is care of Aldous Huxley.
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Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) is the author of the classic novels Brave New World, Island, Eyeless in Gaza, and The Genius and the Goddess, as well as such critically acclaimed nonfiction works as The Perennial Philosophy and The Doors of Perception. Born in Surrey, England, and educated at Oxford, he died in Los Angeles, California.

From https://www.harpercollins.com/blogs/authors/aldous-huxley.

For more information about Aldous Huxley:

“Brave New LA: Aldous Huxley in Los Angeles”: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/aldous-huxley-in-los-angeles/

“Aldous Huxley, The Art of Fiction No. 24”: 


Πηγή: https://quarantinetapes.com/episodes/the-quarantine-tapes-quotation-shorts-aldous-huxley-xqpO1SRW

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