
The Quarantine Tapes
The Quarantine Tapes

The Quarantine Tapes: Quotation Shorts - Thomas Pynchon

Today’s Quotation is care of Thomas Pynchon.
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Thomas Pynchon is the author of V., The Crying of Lot 49, Gravity’s Rainbow, Slow Learner, a collection of short stories, Vineland, Mason & Dixon, Against the Day, Inherent Vice, and most recently, Bleeding Edge.  He received the National Book Award for Gravity’s Rainbow in 1974.

From https://www.nationalbook.org/people/thomas-pynchon/#fullBio

For more information about Thomas Pynchon:

“On the Thomas Pynchon Trail”: https://www.vulture.com/2013/08/thomas-pynchon-bleeding-edge.html

“Thomas Pynchon Unmasked”: https://www.altaonline.com/dispatches/a6465/thomas-pynchon-unmasked/

“Meet Your Neighbor, Thomas Pynchon”: 


Πηγή: https://quarantinetapes.com/episodes/the-quarantine-tapes-quotation-shorts-thomas-pynchon-emMd_qpY

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