Clinical excellence and how to achieve it with Charlie Weingroff and Michael Shacklock
Who is Dr. Charlie Weingroff?
Dr. Charlie Weingroff is one of the most sought-after professionals world-wide in physical therapy and athletic performance. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a Certified Athletic Trainer, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist who has worked with countless A-List celebrities, professional athletes, as well as the general population.
Charlie is currently Physical Performance Lead and Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Canadian Men’s National Basketball Team, which currently tops all foreign countries with a total of 20 active players in the NBA. He often lectures overseas often, and his relationship with Beijing Yanding Trading Company has brought him through mainland China for the last 5 years.
Who is Michael Shacklock?
Michael received his graduate qualification at the Auckland School of Physiotherapy, New Zealand, in 1980. He worked in public hospitals in the medical, surgical, paediatrics, orthopaedics, geriatrics, intensive care and burns areas around New Zealand before being employed in private practices, treating spinal and sports injuries in Nelson with Michael Monaghan and Auckland with Margaret Franklin.
In addition to his neurodynamics book, he has published two other books, Moving in on Pain (Elsevier) and Biomechanics of the Nervous System: Breig Revisited. He also authored, co-authored and mentored numerous research studies, editorials, commentaries and clinical papers in international peer reviewed journals articles which have garnered many international awards, including Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Barcelo University, Buenos Aires (see academic activities on ResearchGate). He was a member of the International Advisory Board of the journal Musculoskeletal Theory and Practice (formerly Manual Therapy), United Kingdom and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, USA. Michael presents keynote addresses and invited conference lectures, trains staff at elite sports medicine facilities and sports clubs, universities, hospitals and private seminars around the world. His special interests are neurodynamics, measurement of mechanical function of the nervous system, pain and the nervous system and musculoskeletal function. His most valued interest is how to synthesise science and clinical practice using evidence and reasoning. Michael is an active clinician, has 35 years of experience in treating patients and is recognised as an international leader in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders with a neural aspect.
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