"Glutes Beyond the Looks" with Bret Contreras.
Bret Contreras is considered by many to be the world’s foremost expert on glute training. He has charged the fitness industry by introducing effective new exercises and training methods for optimal glute development.Bret is a strength and conditioning coach, published author, researcher, inventor, PhD and a lifelong student of strength training.
- How by using our hips we can affect our lower back pain?
- Can we have heavy days everyday? 20:20 hamstring length and gluteal strength any correlation?
- Is stretching important? 29.35 Knowing the risk !
- When our bodies are structured for our individual sport!
- What is the best way to lift for hypertrophy ?
- How often should we train a muscle group per week?
- Is there enough research on glutes and frequency of training?
- Ad the eccentric phase the trick for the hip thrust! Are you doing it the right way?
- This is how you do the hip thrust!!!
- Iliotibial band problems and the glutes!
- Critics are a dime of dozen
- Hip Thrust, Glute bridge, Frog pump When and Why?
- Different range of reps for men and women?
- Glute activation on Hip Thrust: Bilateral Vs Unliteral?
- What is new Bret?