Neural Side of Strength and Performance with Stuart McGill and Bill Kazmaier
The theme could be the neural side of strength.
Activating the neuro-muscular compartments up and down.
Another topic is about what densifying neural drive.
"Strength starts as a thought and what are his thoughts and focus to create the greatest signal possible? In other words what is the thought of strength? Then the key is to get the nerves to carry this great amount of signal (pulse trains) - usually we use grinding exercises . Then the muscles must respond with great contraction."
Strength requires proximal stability in the linkage to create great strength distally in the linkage any special exercises or drills here? Obviously his breath (holding) was key. The brain shuts down strength when it detects instability.
Injuries occur at the regions of highest stress. The many small features that can enhance performance as well as injury resilience.
Training for bone and joint strength. For example after training a heavy deadlift or squat session take 3-4 days off. Did he do this to gain bone and joint strength? This would be very consistent with the science. I have had great talks with Ed Coan about this and long term joint resilience.
Good training technique, training cycles, and the cerebral side of strength.
Stuart McGill :
Bill Kazmaier :
Rocco Venizelos IG