
Has Turkey's standing on the international scene diminished?

Over the last year, a number of regional crises - from Ukraine to the Middle East - have taken the international spotlight off Turkey and President Erdogan. Combined with a number of sharp divergences with Western partners over Ankara’s contradictory foreign policy ambitions and rule-of-law deficiencies, it looks like Turkey’s overall standing on the international scene has diminished. That’s the case Ambassador Marc Pierini, who joins Thanos Davelis on our show today, makes in his latest piece, “Turkey’s Dwindling International Role”.

Ambassador Marc Pierini is a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on developments in the Middle East and Turkey from a European perspective. He previously served as EU ambassador and head of delegation to Turkey (2006–2011). 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Turkey’s Dwindling International Role

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