
Edi Rama's charm offensive and ethnic Greek properties in Albania

Late last week Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was in the ethnic Greek town of Himare, where he announced the restitution of some 400 titles to homes in the area to residents who have been suing the Albanian state for more than 30 years. Rama’s attempt to reconcile with the Greeks of Himare comes as the town’s mayor elect, Fredi Beleri, remains imprisoned, and for many this gesture does not go far enough in addressing the longstanding and serious issue of minority property rights. Vassilis Nedos, Kathimerini’s diplomatic and defense editor, joins Thanos Davelis to break down Edi Rama’s charm offensive toward the Greeks of Himare, the issue of property rights facing the Greek minority, and more.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Rama theatrics with ethnic Greek properties

Ankara ‘threatens’ own marine parks

Skrekas: We will keep fighting against inflation

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