
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Prime Minister Mitsotakis visits Libya to reset relations

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis travelled to Libya on Tuesday aiming to restart relations with the war-torn country. During his visit, he announced the reopening of the Greek Embassy in Tripoli, and called on the interim government to scrap an agreement on maritime boundaries signed with Turkey in 2019, which Athens says violates international law. His visit came as other EU leaders also visited the country, and called for the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries ahead of elections scheduled for later this year.

Tom Ellis, the editor-in-chief of Kathimerini English edition, joins us to share his take on the current situation in Libya, Greek-Libyan relations and Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ visit, and what lies ahead.

Read Tom Ellis’ op-ed in Kathimerini here: The Greek prime minister in Libya

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Mitsotakis hails restart in Greek-Libya relations; calls for ditching of Turkey maritime deal

EU leaders tell Erdoğan: We’ll cooperate — if you do, too

EU official, in Ankara visit, urges Turkey to ease disputes in the Mediterranean

EU to Turkey: Human rights issues are nonnegotiable

Aegean islands aim to become first fully vaccinated areas of Greece

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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