
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

Turkey's experiment with Clubhouse and Erdogan's crackdown on social media

Merve Tahiroglu, the Turkey program coordinator at the Project on Middle East Democracy, joins us to talk about her latest piece in Brookings’ TechStream blog about the social media app Clubhouse, its role in the recent student protests at Istanbul’s Bogazici University, it’s broader impact on Turkey’s political scene, and its transformation from a safe space for critics into another digital battleground for Erdogan’s information wars. We also look at Turkey’s broader crackdown on social media, and whether companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can ultimately ensure users a safe space for public debate in Turkey.

Read Merve Tahiroglu’s piece in Brookings’ TechStream blog: On Turkish Clubhouse, a brief experiment in a more open web

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here: 

Greece to reopen schools using self-test kits for COVID-19

Greek schools set to reopen using self-test kits for Covid-19

Turkey convicts dozens in mass trial over failed 2016 coup

Turkey coup: Top officers given life terms in mass trial

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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