
SYRIZA, PASOK, and the battle for second place

With New Democracy set to cement its political dominance in the upcoming European elections, the battle for second place is heating up as SYRIZA and PASOK’s leaders turn up the heat to see who will take on the leading role on Greece’s center-left after the elections. The fight for second place is also viewed by many as a battle of survival for SYRIZA’s Stefanos Kasselakis and PASOK’s Nikos Androulakis, as a poor showing in June could raise questions about their leadership. Nick Malkoutzis, the co-founder and editor of Macropolis.gr, a political and economic analysis site that focuses on Greece, joins Thanos Davelis to look at the upcoming elections and the battle for second place that’s unfolding. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Centre-left parties jockey for leading role in post-election landscape

Polls provide little comfort for opposition parties ahead of EP elections

Fighting cost-of-living crisis is government’s top priority, PM says

Has Europe already reached its demographic tipping point?

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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