
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

What developments in Afghanistan could mean for Greece, and FM Dendias recent trip to North Macedonia

Vassilis Nedos, Kathimerini’s diplomatic and defense editor, joins us on The Greek Current today to look at his latest op-ed in Kathimerini, where he highlights what Greece needs to be paying attention to when we look at the ripple effects in the region to the US and NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s takeover of the country. We also look into Vassilis Nedos’s latest coverage of the trip to North Macedonia by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias. His visit, aside from covering issues related to the implementation of the Prespes accord, also followed a period of Turkish diplomatic activity in the Western Balkans that saw Turkey and North Macedonia reach a deal on a defense cooperation agreement. We break all of this down on today’s episode.

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

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