
The Greek Current
The Greek Current

With the world's attention on Afghanistan, Turkey carries out lethal airstrikes in Iraq

With the world and the US focused on Afghanistan, Turkey carried out airstrikes that hit genocide survivors in Iraq and members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in mid August. One of the airstrikes hit a medical clinic in Sinjar, killing eight people, while another airstrike saw a Turkish drone kill Yazidi leader Hassan Saeed on the day he was scheduled to meet with the Iraqi prime minister. Turkey has also hit multiple cities in Syria with airstrikes. 

Dr. Amy Austin Holmes, a public policy fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, a research fellow at ICSVE - the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism - and an expert on the region, joins our host Thanos Davelis to discuss the airstrikes that took place last month, look at the impact of Turkey’s broader operations in Syria and Iraq, and explore what the US response should be.

Read the following publications by Dr. Amy Austin Holmes:

As Afghanistan crumbles, Turkey's airstrikes set up the next disaster

Threats Perceived and Real: New Data and the Need for a New Approach to the Turkish-SDF Border Conflict

Despite Ceasefire Agreement, Turkey Implicated In More Than Eight Hundred Violations

Five Years of Airstrikes: Turkish Aggression and International Silence in Sinjar, 2017-2021

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

Syrian oil spill moving towards Cyprus appears to partially dissolve

All eyes on oil spill response in Cyprus

Dead turtle found in oil slick, breaking up and dissolving

Ankara to hand over 15 Muslim Brotherhood figures to Cairo 

Cairo announces new round of ‘exploratory talks’ with Turkey

Πηγή: http://www.hellenicleaders.com/

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