Pod.gr Η μανούλα ξέρει, με τη Μυρτώ Κάζη 6 Φεβ 2022 Σεξουαλική διαπαιδαγώγηση στα παιδιά μας Αυτό το podcast θέλουμε να το ακούσετε με μεγάλη προσοχή. Και ποτέ μην θεωρήσετε ότι το παιδί σας είναι «πολύ μικρό» ή «πολύ ασφαλές» για να υποστεί σεξουαλική παρενόχληση. Πώς θα το μάθετε να... 9 λεπτά
Pod.gr Οίνος ο Αγαπητός, με τον Δημήτρη Χατζηνικολάου 6 Φεβ 2022 Περί Συμποσίων και απεριτίφ το ανάγνωσμα Ξεκινάμε σήμερα ένα μεθυστικό ταξίδι στον χώρο και τον χρόνο διασχίζοντας νοερά τις οινοπνευματικές διαδρομές τριάντα αιώνων, που είναι γεμάτες από τις σοφές και φιλοσοφικές συζητήσεις των διάσημων... 10 λεπτά
Pod.gr Συγγραφείς εκτός βιβλίων, με την Κυριακή Μπεϊόγλου 6 Φεβ 2022 Η Ζυράννα Ζατέλη είναι το γράψιμο Ορατή σαν αόρατη η συγγραφέας Ζυράννα Ζατέλη σε ένα podcast αφιερωμένο στον μυθικό κόσμο των βιβλίων της που είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένος με τον δικό της πολύ προσωπικό. Εξομολογητική και άμεση μιλά... 37 λεπτά
Retropolis - Retro Και Σύγχρονη Θεματολογία 5 Φεβ 2022 RetroPODikes #10 Επικαιρότητα - Ταινίες - Ρετρό προτάσεις 2 ώ 16 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Spine Education (Dynamic live examples) with Jerome Fryer aka Dynamic Disc Designs Who is Jerome Fryer? Dr. Jerome Fryer obtained his bachelor of science degree in biopsychology from the University of British Columbia in 1995. He then obtained his doctorate degree in... 1 ώ 12 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Clinical excellence and how to achieve it with Charlie Weingroff and Michael Shacklock Who is Dr. Charlie Weingroff? Dr. Charlie Weingroff is one of the most sought-after professionals world-wide in physical therapy and athletic performance. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a... 1 ώ 1 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 All about testosterone with Ali Gilbert Who is Ali? A two-time Golf Digest Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professional & Trainer, Ali Gilbert has become highly sought after for her unique approach to training that combines nutrition, training, and... 56 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Goal setting Goal getting and tools to become the Strongest Mom with Sumi Singh Who is Sumi: As a mom to daughter Shaila, he gig as group fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness blogger, contributing author on the Brinkzone and at Ultimate Fat Burner, fitness model, and... 52 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Pontzer and the Costrained Total Energy Expenditure YAY or NAY with Lyle McDonald Despite what many believe about metabolism, you can’t ‘outrun’ a bad diet – or burn calories faster by exercising – says evolutionary biologist Herman Pontzer But is that TRUE? Lets dive in with... 1 ώ 47 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Who is Luke Stoltman? Luke Stoltman is a strongman competitor from Invergordon, Scotland. He is a five-time winner of Scotland's Strongest Man, and in 2021 won Europe's Strongest Man. There is more to strength than... 51 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Neural Side of Strength and Performance with Stuart McGill and Bill Kazmaier The theme could be the neural side of strength. Activating the neuro-muscular compartments up and down. Another topic is about what densifying neural drive. "Strength starts as a thought and what... 1 ώ 19 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Michael Shacklock Neurodynamics, Pain and and Musculoskeletal function Who is? MICHAEL SHACKLOCK DipPhysio, MAppSc, FACP NDS Instructor, founding director, principal Australia Michael received his graduate qualification at the Auckland School of Physiotherapy, New... 1 ώ 6 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Being the best Coach you can be following these steps by Nick Bollettieri Considered by many to be one of the best tennis coaches of all time. Nick Bollettieri has changed the way the game is played and taught at every level. He founded the Nick Bollettieri Tennis... 30 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Keys to improving performance and refining the Good Coach in you with Joe Friel Joe Friel is a life-long athlete and has a masters degree in exercise science. He has trained and conferred with amateur and professional endurance athletes from a wide variety of sports since... 1 ώ 25 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Get stronger with Melody Schoenfeld Who is Melody? 5’0” and 100lbs of Vegan Fury Melody Schoenfeld, MA, CSCS, is a highly educated, certified personal trainer with well over 20 years of training experience in many different... 39 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Why do all diets fail ? With Lyle McDonald Who is Lyle? "I got interested in this field back in high school, a former fat kid I had mandatory sports in school and as I started to get into shape, my obsessive compulsiveness took over. I got... 1 ώ 35 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Dr. John DeMartini - Finding your values in the Covid Era "The world on the outside doesn’t have to dictate your destiny. As I said in the secret when the voice and the vision on the inside is louder than all opinions on the outside you’ve begun to master... 52 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 The journey to 1002lbs Deadlift by Chris Duffin aka “Mad Scientist Strength” Known as the “Mad Scientist Strength” Chris is an Ex Corporate Executive turned Inventor and Movement professional. He has positioned himself uniquely in the fitness world bridging the gap between... 1 ώ 8 λεπ
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Mastering the Basics with Coach Lee Boyce Lee Boyce is a strength coach and educator based in Toronto, Canada, working with clients and athletes for strength and conditioning, sport performance, and hypertrophy. His expertise has seen him... 44 λεπτά
⌘ Restart 5 Φεβ 2022 Life and Coaching lessons through the eyes of Dr.Pat Davidson Pat Davidson, Ph.D, is an exercise physiologist, strength and conditioning coach, author, consultant, and traveling lecturer. Pat started out in the fitness world as an athlete who was looking to... 1 ώ 20 λεπ