Why do all diets fail ? With Lyle McDonald
Who is Lyle?
"I got interested in this field back in high school, a former fat kid I had mandatory sports in school and as I started to get into shape, my obsessive compulsiveness took over. I got into cycling one summer and did a few triathlons, got involved in martial arts and eventually gymnastics (via cheerleading).
This led me to UCLA to pursue a degree in kinesiology (exercise physiology) where I got even more embroiled in the research and science of human performance. Basically, I was a mediocre athlete who wanted to figure out how to get better.
At that time, I was involved in cycling and got into inline skating. I started racing, did moderately well (despite being horridly overtrained in hindsight) until I burned myself out, and ‘retired’. I futilely tried my hand at some strength sports, although I had always been in the weight room, finding that it improved my skating performance.
Around 1996, Dan Duchaine’s seminal book “Bodyopus” came out, it quite literally changed my life. It got me interested in low-carbohydrate dieting and led to the publication of my first book. Several more followed after a rather long break.
The second was an odd little drug booklet (although it dealt mostly with bodyweight regulation), then came the Ultimate Diet 2.0 which was an update on the original from over 20 years ago. Last year I released two books, the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and a Guide to Flexible Dieting.
Over the years, I’ve worked with folks ranging from total beginners to a couple of female powerlifters, prepped a few bodybuilders for natural shows and trained the occasional endurance athlete in the weight room. Right now I’m in Salt Lake City following my own athletic quest, training full time for ice speed skating (I came out of retirement a couple of years ago) with my coach Rex Albertson.
Basically, I’m an obsessed physiology nerd who is fascinated with all aspects of human performance. This includes training, nutrition (I seem to be most well known for diet stuff but exercise physiology was actually my first passion), supplements and, to a much lesser degree, drugs.
Fat loss and bodyweight regulation fascinates me because I still see the fat kid in the mirror, sports performance fascinates me because I’ve always been a middle of the road athlete looking for solutions. And the rest of it fascinates me because I’m just a great big obsessed nerd that way."
website: https://bodyrecomposition.com/
Rocco Venizelos IG https://www.instagram.com/rocco_veni/